Surface treatment
In surface treatment, we adhere to the painting standard SFS-EN ISO 12944, ensuring effective and durable corrosion protection. Our wet painting and painting department also enable painting of large components.
Our blasting unit handles the blasting of large surfaces using steel shot blasting in Siimetin blasting hall or an automatic zinc line.
Paint booth dimensions & technical specifications
- Drive-through capability in the paint booth, maximum axle weight 16 tons
- Lifting capacity 6.3 tons
- Height of lifting doors 5.5 meters (width 4.5 meters)
- Length of the paint booth 19.6 meters
Surface preparation for painting
Before shot blasting and wet painting, it is crucial to clean the surfaces from various types of dirt, dust, and most importantly, grease and oils. The most effective method of removal is steam and high-pressure washing. The appropriate washing method is selected based on the degree of impurities and the durability of the surfaces. The wastewater, oils/greases generated from washing are directed and separated in an environmentally friendly manner, ensuring compliance with regulations and considering values.
Wet painting
Using a 2-component wet painting process, which includes both epoxy and polyurethane coatings, we treat steel surfaces designed for demanding conditions, such as trailers traveling on highways. A fast painting process, efficient drying, and skilled/experienced personnel complete the product’s appearance.
We also have an electrostatically equipped high-pressure spray gun and a small parts conveyor for lighter steel components. Documentation of the painting process, including condition and film thickness measurements, final inspection reports, is an essential part of our customer collaboration.
Steel shot, aluminum oxide, and quartz sand blasting
An efficient and environmentally friendly non-waste shot blasting system cleans and roughens the surfaces of both new and old steel structures/parts before painting, even in warm conditions during winter.
All blasting materials are recycled, and the resulting dust is collected through filtration systems. Our efficient automatic zinc line complements the productivity of shot blasting. For hot-dip galvanized surfaces, we use aluminum oxide shot or quartz sand.

Large painting areas

Blasting of extensive surfaces
Siimet Ltd
Rapid completion of even large surfaces
Pasi Hänninen
Workshop Manager
+358 44 321 6128